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Writer's pictureMrs. Wehrmann

Tuesday, May 12th

Outdoor Activities & Review

Outside time: Spend as much time as you can outdoors (weather permitting). Walks, bike rides, picnics in the yard, watch the clouds and look for bugs and butterflies. Enjoy the sunshine on your face!

Monkey NOT Ready for Kindergarten:

Kick It! Place a large number of soft balls in a small area. The challenge is to keep them all moving. Challenge your child to kick with their non-dominant foot. Kick it to a sibling? Kick between two cones? Kick through a hula hoop? Bounce all kicks off the wall?

Nature walk bracelets. Use strong masking tape and wrap around your child’s wrist sticky side out. Then take a walk and let the children gather twigs, flowers, acorns, leaves, etc. and stick them to their nature bracelets.

Journal: Draw your favorite memory about Preschool. Was it snack time? The outdoor playground? Friends? Think of your favorite Preschool memory and draw it.

Shape review:

Just a reminder...Portfolio and journal pick up is Monday, May 18th at the preschool. Have a GREAT week!

~Mrs. Wehrmann

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